Damage Part 1 - Kinetic Energy, Something Else?The question of doing damage to an enemy unit is a complicated one. Different weapons cause different injuries, there can be cuts from an edged weapon, stab wounds, blunt force trauma from objects like hammers or stones. Different types of armour offer different protection - chain mail for instance is very effective against cuts, but not really against blunt force. Almost by necessity, there will be gross simplifications in the model.The simulation basically classifies damage by the effect it has on the ongoing battle:
So we might reasonably guess the relative amount of damage done by a weapon by comparing their kinetic energy and impact area - the more energy and the smaller the area, the more damaging the weapon (again, this is a general pattern, not a hard and fast rule). Projectile weaponsAssessing kinetic energy for projectile weapons is much easier than of close combat weapons, because the situation of close combat is generally messy, weapons can't be used with optimal technique etc. For projectiles, there is always a moment when the projectile is undisturbed in the air and kinetic energy assumes a certain value.Various sources and own estimates based on weight and documented range provide the following energies for various weapons:
Most weapons listed here have a small impact area, the slingshot is the main exception. So this table would readily allow us to assess that English longbowmen did a lot more damage than slingers, but were quickly eclipsed by musketeers whose weapons provided serious armour-penetrating capacity. A separate discussion is how this translates into range - not all projectiles have the same drag coefficient. A famous example is the arbalest bolt, which has to be much more sturdy than the longbow arrow to survive the shock of firing - but that results in a much higher drag as well, so the full energy release happens only at point-blank range and the arrow gets superior quickly. However, we will defer this discussion to a later point.
Close combat weaponsThe energy release of a properly done sword thrust is with 140 J about on par with that of a longbow. That is natural in that it seems to be what the human body can provide without technical help - in the table above, of the nun-gunpowder weapon only the arbalest reaches higher, and that is cranked with mechanical aid.Howver, conditions at a battle line presumably rarely are optimal for using close-combat weapons - so more often than not the actual value would have been smaller. Also, the impact area of the weapon is often the edge, i.e. somewhat larger than the tip of an arrow. We may thus surmise that all things considered, a 170 lb longbow arrow does usually more damage than a sword for one impact, i.e. 50 archers shooting at point-blank range are more dangerous than 50 swordsmen stabbing in close combat. Other, lighter weapons such as short swords can easily cause less damage, but it seems difficult to see how a close-combat weapon without technical help might have caused more damage, regardless of its nature. Such help might e.g. be the speed of a cavalry charge that provides additional energy for a lance when it impacts. We can estimate that a 3 kg war lance used from full canter has a kinetic energy of 220 J - significantly more than It follows that assessing the relative danger of close-combat weapons is somewhat more guesswork unfortunately.
Damage in the simulationWhile kinetic energy and impact area provide at least some way to establish a relative order of different weapons, it is rather unclear how to map this into wounded and dead per unit time. So admittedly this is much guesswork (some things we do know, for instance that English archers could reduce cavalry to a chaotic mess really quickly, so these data points are used), but otherwise the table is based on intuition.For that reason, the simulation allows to adjust the overall level of damage that is done, and if finer control is desired, the ratio of damage and armour of different units can also be adjusted. To assign damage values to units, the following guidelines have been used for close combat (note that this isn't strictly ordered according to kinetic energy but also based on impact area and energy dissipation):
For ranged combat the values are as follows:
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