Analyzing tactics

In the last section, we've talked about using the automatic mode with many iterations to analyze tactics. So let's start with a simple example - Greek phalanx warfare.

This is a rather simple operation - Hoplites from both armies are assembled in long lines, typically some 8-12 ranks deep, and then advance to fight with each other. Initially the contact is rather loose and soldiers use their spears to stab from the distance, but eventually a phase that involves pushing to break the enemny line starts. The phalanx has not been known for its maneuverability - even wheeling arount to attack enemy units on the flank was a maneuver that did not often succeed. So let's run a few simulations on what phalanx warfare might have involved and what innovative tactics could have done.

The config file

Use the file example02.cfg that is distributed with the software. This creates two opposing lines of four units of Hoplites each for the city-states of Athens and Sparta. For reference, we'll show the file below - however with three units on each side omitted (they just have a different position). As config files for bigger armies get quite lengthy, this is the last example spelled out in full in the tutorial series.


battle_verbose false
auto_display true
events_verbose true
colors true
army_designation_1 Athens
army_designation_2 Sparta
run_iterations 1

size_x 100
size_y 40
scale 5.0

name Phalanx
speed 60.0
attack 40
armour 6
damage 4
num_ranks 8
num_files 10

name Athens_1
type Phalanx
tag A1
army 1
pos_x 200.0
pos_y 150.0
dir_x 0.0
dir_y -1.0


name Sparta_1
type Phalanx
tag S1
army 2
pos_x 200.0
pos_y 50.0
dir_x 0.0
dir_y 1.0



Combat orders

If you disable auto-display and run 1000 iterations, you'll see that the fight is fair - each side wins about half of the time, occasionally there is a draw (which at this stage means mutual anihilation).

Suppose we're Athens - what could we do to vanquish Sparta?

Well, we could try to attack more vigorously and break through the lines. So change all Athenian units to look like

name Athens_1
type Phalanx
tag A1
army 1
upon_contact assault
pos_x 200.0
pos_y 150.0
dir_x 0.0
dir_y -1.0

If you run it, you'll discover that assaulting a solid formation of heavy infantry isn't such a smart idea. While Athens gains position, it pays dearly in blood and now only wins about a third of the time. The general rule is that the stronger unit can expect to successfully assault the weaker, but not vice versa.

Maybe we should do the opposite then? Cede ground and minimize the losses of the own phalanx? Change the order from assault to yield.

Well, that works - nearly 60% chance of victory. As long as the Spartans play along of course - ceding ground and falling back during battle is a risky maneuver, the unit stands a fair chance of being overrun. You can see that if you command the Spartans to assault the yielding Athenian units - that becomes a sure win for Sparta and a guaranteed rout for Athens nearly all the time. So yielding prevents own losses if done successfully, but is very dangerous when the opponent exploits it. There simply is no best tactics - what works depends on what the other is doing, and some options might just be very risky.

There's a rather general lesson in that which Sun Tsu was likely the first to formulate - paraphrasing him, you can make sure with your choice of tactics that you don't lose - but it's up to the opponent to let you win by making a mistake.

You can experiment a bit with the options, chosing hold_line for all units gives a rather non-agressive phalanx battle in which no side tries to break through the line - this might resemble the initial dorathismos (spear-stabbing) phase, whereas assault would resemble more a strong push in the othismos phase.


Now, let's try something the real Athenian phalanx wasn't ready to do - move a unit outside of the battle line, wheel it around and let it attack the Spartan line from the rear:

name Athens_1
type Phalanx
tag A1
army 1
order rush_to
upon_position seek_enemy
tgt_x 170.0
tgt_y 120.0
pos_x 200.0
pos_y 150.0
dir_x 0.0
dir_y -1.0

You can set the number of iterations to 1 and display the battlefield again to observe how this plays out. It seems unlikely that the Spartan unit would simply permit this, but then again, Greek hoplites were basically a little-trained militia, not professional fighting units, and there might be confusion aming the Spartans whether it would be better to hold the line or to react.

Anyway - if the manuever is done, it works - it pushes up the victory fraction for Athens to over 60%. Pretty much all units are at a strong disadvantage when faced with flank or rear attacks. This clearly is something that can be (and has historically been) exploited. So as an exercise, let Athens_4 also outflank the Spartan line and see how high you can push up the victory fraction for Athens!

We're now ready to understand the usage of screening units left and right of the main battle line, and we'll deal with a somewhat more complicated tactical problem involving that next.

Continue with Commanding formations.

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Created by Thorsten Renk 2022 - see the disclaimer, privacy statement and contact information.