A Sword and his HeroThe humorous series A Sword and his Hero is based on a collection of short stories by Sebastian Wolf. It follows the adventures of a young man who aspires to be a hero and one day finds a magic sword falling into his lap (or rather, on his head). But what he did not expect is that the sword can talk - and insists in teaching him to be a hero by telling him exactly what to do!
CharactersThere's only two main characters in the series - the Sword and the Hero - and we follow them in their travels and adventures.The SwordThe sword is an ancient magical being, world-wise and experienced in all arts of adventuring. Having witnessed more than one legendary battle in the fist of a true hero, it has a rather strong opinion on what being a hero actually is about - and doesn't shy away from telling that opinion.
The HeroJust away from home and the prospect of a boring life, the hero is in search of an adventure. Does he know fighting? Sure, he's practiced against strawmen - and can kill a tree any time. Does he know what heroism is? Sure, he has heard all the old tales...
EpisodesIn Episode 1: A Sword finds his Hero, we witness a meeting that will change the fate of the aspiring hero forever - fate throws a magical sword into his lap. Or rather, on his head:
In Episode 2: An Introduction to Heroism, the hero is told that he'd better train his fighting skills. But the search for a suitable sparring partner turns out to unexpectedly complicated:
In Episode 3: The Bandit, the hero faces for the first time an enemy who seriously tries to kill him - and discovers that winning battles isn't quite as he had imagined:
In Episode 4: Love, the sword surprises the hero with some reflections on a very human feeling - love:
In Episode 5: Helene, we meet an old acquaintance of the sword who is just as talkative:
In Episode 6: Delicious, the sword is curious about the simple pleasures of human(oid) life:
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